Celebrating 2016! for the GGBA, It Was a Great Year

2016 was an incredible year for the GGBA. We said goodbye to some very cherished and loved members and we said hello to growth, opportunity and significant breakthroughs in economic equality. Here is a quick snapshot of some of our key successes as we welcome 2017:GGBA received the honor of being named the San Francisco Advocacy Organization of the Year by the San Francisco Council of District Merchants Association.Advocated for, and won, first-ever LGBT certified business in the history of the United States, GGBA Member Equator Coffees and Teas, to be named “Small Business of the Year” as designated by the United States Small Business Administration.Advocated for, and provided technical assistance to, GGBA Member Laner Electric to receive the largest construction contract awarded through a competitive bidding process to an LGBT certified firm in the United States on a Public Works project (San Francisco Central Subway and Transbay Transit Center Projects) with an overall value in access for $14 Million.Advocated for, and won, inclusion of LGBT Businesses in the NFL/Super Bowl 50’s Procurement Program marking the first time in the history of the United States for this level of participation to take place. Nearly 20 GGBA members received meaningful contracts in the competitive bidding process of this historic event.Advocated, with our colleagues at the Castro Merchants, to secure a $50,000 pro-bono advertising campaign from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to promote shopping/dining in the Upper Market Area during Super Bowl 50.Developed, in concert with the San Francisco Business Times, the first-ever “Top 50 LGBT Owned Businesses Roster” to be published in the world.Advocated for, and won, the opportunity for LGBT-owned businesses to self-identify as such in the San Francisco Local Business Enterprise Certification process.Worked in concert with our colleagues at the Silicon Valley Rainbow Chamber of Commerce and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority to have the VTA be the first public transportation agency in the United States to codify, through the full legislative process, the inclusion of LGBT-certified firms to their competitive bidding process.Achieved the highest local, statewide, national media visibility in the GGBA’s 43 year history.We’re thrilled to make 2017 even better, and we want you to join us as we continue to make history.Join the GGBA. Click here to become a member of our nation’s first LGBT chamber of commerce.


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