Evening for Equality on May 04

We have two important announcements about Evening for Equality, our incredible virtual event featuring special guests Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Estelle, Peppermint and more!

1. In order to ensure that as many of our members and viewers can join us live, Evening for Equality has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 4.

2. We have some exciting news: U.S. Senator Alex Padilla has CONFIRMED that he will join us as a special guest on May 4!

We are working alongside Senator Padilla to help pass the Equality Act and protect LGBTQ+ people across the country from discrimination. Join us on May 4 to hear about this important work and ensure we have the resources to keep fighting.

If you haven't purchased a ticket to support our important work for the LBGTQ+ community, it's not too late! Grab your tickets today! >>



U.S. Small Business Administration's New $28.6 Billion Restaurant Revitalization Fund


San Francisco Small Business Week 2021!