Gay-owned company is crowned the best small business in whole US

After being judged best small business in California, Equator Coffees and Teas has now taken the national award given out yearly by the US Small Business Administration

Business owners Brooke McDonnell and Helen Russell are on a high this morning – and it isn’t just a caffeine buzz from their own-brand coffee. Six weeks ago, their California-based Equator Coffees and Teas was named by the US Small Business Administration (SBA) as the winner of the state’s ‘Best Small Business’. The Federal agency presents awards to small business owners in all of the 50 states.

Now, to coincide with National Small Business Week, the gay-owned company has been crowned 2016 National Small Business of the Year.




Historic milestone: SBA names LGBT-owned Bay Area coffee supplier first in class


LGBT Business Becomes First To Be Named National Small Business