GGBA’s Statement on Caltrans' Historic Inclusion of LGBT Businesses

A 23 Year ‘Overnight Success’ – LGBT Businesses Poised to ‘Move California Forward’

On April 28, 2017 California Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 1 (SB1) which was entitled the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. That established a $54 Billion fund over the next decade to improve and maintain California’s transportation infrastructure.  Many of us know SB 1 as the ‘Gas Tax Measure.’  As is many times the case – SB 1 wasn’t enough so on July 21, 2017 Governor Brown signed a budget trailer bill, SB 103, which required Caltrans to develop an outreach plan to increase procurement opportunities for small businesses associated the $54 Billion that will be spent over the next ten years.On February 11, 2019 Caltrans released to the public their report and within its pages outlines the historic inclusion of LGBT businesses!  This marks the first time in the history of the United States that a State Department of Transportation has included LGBT businesses in its official procurement programs.  This is no ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ (known as a MOU which can be quickly rescinded when a new Governor comes into office). SB 103 mandates that Caltrans must report to the State Legislature on an annual basis the actual spend with, and activities related to, LGBT businesses.The GGBA, and members of its leadership team, have been actively advocating for this level of inclusion for the past 23 years.  Our leadership has steadfastly worked to showcase to Caltrans the economic benefits of working with LGBT businesses.GGBA worked closely with, and wishes to thank, Dale Bonner, California Secretary of Business Transportation and Housing under Governor Schwarzenegger, Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty under Governor Jerry Brown, Caltrans District 4 Director Bijan Sartippi, Deputy District Director Dan McElhinney, Janice Salais, Assistant Director of Caltrans Office of Business and Economic Opportunity and Angel Carrera of the California DGS for their courage, vision and leadership.GGBA is currently working with our State Senator, Scott Wiener, to produce a Press Conference on this historic achievement and we will let everyone know the details once everything is in place.If your business would like to learn more about potential opportunities with Caltrans, its regional transportation authorities and related agencies please contact Paul Pendergast at


San Francisco Business Times' List of LGBTQ-Owned Businesses in the Bay Area 2019


Senate Bill (SB) 605 Small Business for the purpose of Public Works Certification