Gina Grahame , GGBA Pres, Covid-19 response

Hello GGBA,
One aspect of our community that I love is its resilience. Our community knows, perhaps better than any other, how to survive and then thrive, a pandemic. We do this by staying calm, staying positive, and staying connected. Being there for one another.
During this challenging time it's important to have access to accurate information and resources for small businesses as a result of the Covid-19 virus; and to find ways we can stay connected to, and supportive of one another.
For our part, the GGBA has:
 - Cancelled all live events for April and May, including events related to Small Business Week - Created a webpage of information and resources for San Francisco small businesses, located under both the 'News' and 'Resources' header -  - Working on bringing you virtual seminars and events, including seminars related to Small Business Week. This includes virtual 'Make Contacts' and 'Coffee with the President and Board of Directors'
 - Signed on to the letter from National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) and all U.S. Affiliate LGBT Chambers to send to Congress regarding emergency financial relief for small business members.
- Will conduct virtual site visits, in accordance with the NGLCC, for members looking to obtain or renew their LGBTBE Certification
If you are able to provide services to others in need at time, or if you’d like to share how the Covid-19 has affected your business email us at If you know of a resource which should be added to this page, please email us at 
As always, know that the Board of Directors and I are here for you; to talk about your business or even if to have a virtual cup of coffee together. 
On behalf of the entire GGBA, stay inside, stay focused, stay positive, and we'll get through this, together. 
See you online!
Gina Grahame,

4 LGBTBE Certification virtual site visits in one week!


Why Join the GGBA? by Olga García