Annual Plan 2021

Dear GGBA Members, Partners, and Friends,As 2020 comes to a close, we're tremendously grateful for our community. Watching business owners wake up every day to innovate, adapt, and even prosper keeps us true to our purpose. The challenges brought on this past year are one for the history books and we're grateful for your support and engagement. As we look to 2021, we're proud to announce our Annual Plan.We have identified three core areas to support our members and our community through Advocacy, Education and Opportunities to achieve our Mission.

Opportunities: Building Businesses

We want to enhance and expand upon the opportunities to connect with our corporate partners and members to build their business. The main goals include:

  • Virtual Power Lunch Event and enhanced Power Pitch program where members canpromote their expertise and offerings to perspective customers. This includesdeveloping a Member Video Power Pitch program;
  • Partner/Member Spotlight Events will allow us to highlight various partners andmembers throughout the year and promote their offerings through virtual, digital andprint;
  • Evolved Make Contacts monthly event to create innovative ways for our members toconnect in the current social distant environment;
  • Implement a Mentorship Program for members to connect with LBGTQ+ leaders as wellas corporate partner connections to enhance their business growth.

Education: Developing Leaders

We plan to implement programming that will provide our members to develop their leadership skills and abilities. The main goals include:

  • Implement “Silicon Valley in your Pocket” program that assists new businesses indeveloping their foundation for growth;
  • Grow the High-Performance Acceleration Program(HPAP) to continue providing aconcentrated three-month program for existing businesses to scale their organizations;
  • Develop Leadership & Education Programs throughout the year highlighted coreelements of building a business and utilizing, when possible, our member companies tofacilitate and highlight their services;
  • Create an Online Resource Center that houses al the various education tools, webinars, recorded programs to create a library of resources for our members.

Advocacy: Advocating for our Members

As we continue to support various non-profits in our community, we want to also reengage our advocacy efforts both on the local, regional and state levels while enhancing our relationships with organizations. The main goals include:

  • Reinforce our relationships and co-marketing with other LGBTQ+ chambers as well asother Diverse Business Alliances to provide more opportunities for our members as wellas cross promote events;
  • Increase Member Civic Engagement through education, events and connections to local,state and national leaders;
  • Create Small Business Advocacy Subcommittee to help support our advocacy effortswhile developing our members to become advocates for our community.

Our Organizational Goals

We want to grow our membership, increasing our fundraising efforts while also building a large Board with an aim to hire a team to carry on our mission. The main goals include:

  • Cultivate an Ambassador Program that builds a solid volunteer base that is engaged inour committees and assisting the organization achieve their goals;
  • Grow our membership and influence by adding a net 100 new members;
  • Generate $250,000 in Partnerships and Sponsorships to support our initiatives, our nonprofit donations, and to provide the ability to hire an Executive Director;
  • Expand our Board to 16 active members to help drive the organization to achieve theirmission.

2020 Fire Relief Fund Distributes $424,420, Wraps Up Fund


Event Video: Honoring Joan Kerr of PG&E