Historic First! VTA Expands Business Outreach to Include LGBT and Disabled Veteran Businesses: DIVERSE BUSINESS LEADERS GATHER TO STAND IN SOLIDARITY WITH ORLANDO’S LGBT COMMUNITY

San Jose, CA - On June 13, 2016, The Minority Business Consortium (MBC) is proud to announce that Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) has voted unanimously to expand their Business Diversity Program to include Disabled Veterans and Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transgender Business Enterprises. It marks the first time in the history of the United States that a government transportation agency has codified into its policies and procedures the inclusion of LGBT businesses.

To celebrate this historic occasion, VTA is hosting the Business Diversity Program Expo. The expo will be held in San Jose, California at the Rotunda at San Jose City Hall on June 14, 2016; doors open at 9am.

The purpose is to assist Bay Area small and diverse businesses learn how to do business with local cities and public agencies and hear about upcoming contracting opportunities. The event will offer information and assistance to the area's LGBT, Disabled Veteran, Minority and Women owned businesses, in order to enhance participation and ensure that these businesses are afforded an equitable opportunity to compete for public projects




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