Karla Campbell of 4 Directions Consulting

GGBA: What inspired you to create your business?Karla Campbell: I created 4 Directions Consulting and Coaching to provide the tools, support, and guidance existing and emerging leaders need to demonstrate their best every day while facing an ever-changing workforce landscape.I believe that one, “the answers are always in the room,” and two, “the magic is in the mess.” The answers can be hard—or impossible—to see, and the mess can be overwhelming; that’s why a neutral third party is necessary.My services include Executive and Emerging Leaders Coaching, Emotional Intelligence; Conflict Resolution Mediation and Training, Change Management with Facilitation. In combination, I can help people and organizations identify the “true” problems, find the ideal solution, and create a plan to achieve success for their current and future situations.GGBA: What did you do prior to founding your business, and how did that lead to your present work?Karla Campbell: I worked for a large organization and finally reached a level where I thought, “This is it.” The thing is, I was unsatisfied with the “it” I obtained. I realized that I had so much more value to add and have a broader impact. The next day I began my exit strategy.GGBA: Who are some of your role models, and especially those who helped to influence your business?Karla Campbell: My father was an entrepreneur for most of his life. He showed me how to figure out what is working well and what may need to change. He could find an opportunity in any difficult situation; he would be a great coach or teacher today on “how to shift” your business. Unfortunately, he passed away when I was in my early 20s. However, I chose the start day of my business on his birthday to honor him and our relationship. I know he would have been proud and happy with what I have created.GGBA: Why did you decide to join the GGBA, and how long have you been a member?Karla Campbell: I have been with the GGBA for two years and was introduced by a current member, Elizabeth Bachman. I went to one meeting and was so impressed with how they balanced networking with highlighting a business and having a learning opportunity all in a couple of hours.GGBA: How has being a member of GGBA helped your business so far?Karla Campbell: Early this year, before the COVID-19 lockdown, the GGBA put on a pitch contest where they provided coaching on presentation and speaking. I was honored to be chosen to present at this event. The coaching and support have changed how I pitch my business, and I have received new business.

GGBA: Do you go to the GGBA monthly Make Contact networking events, which are now virtual? Have they benefited you and your business, and would you recommend them to others?Karla Campbell: Yes, I attend. I have made many connections and found these events professional, caring, giving, and supporting. For example, when COVID-19 began, GGBA immediately offered services and support to business owners. I was impressed when I received a phone call from a Board member, just checking on me to see how I was doing. The networking is excellent, and that is just one piece of the authentic guidance and support the GGBA offers.GGBA: What other advice would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own business?Karla Campbell: When you are thinking about starting your own business, what are you feeling? Excited or scared, or a little of both?  Know this: the difference between excitement and fear is breathing. First, breathe, second begin a business plan, and explore where you may need some help and guidance. Thirdly, try not to do everything; pace yourself. Finally, if you are looking for people who can support, guide, mentor, laugh, and cry with you, come to the GGBA.If this year has taught us all something, it is together we can make it through. I love what I do because it helps people achieve their goals, wants, and needs. Finally, the genuine, supportive community that GGBA provides is a necessary break from those who cannot, or will not, appreciate entrepreneurship. I find my membership aligned with my business’ beliefs.For More Information:http://www.4directionsconsultingandcoaching.com/Testimonialshttps://tinyurl.com/y4tmfc6whttps://tinyurl.com/yxdanr96


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