Lisa Orrell, CPC – ‘The Chief of Change’

Lisa Orrell of The Orrell Group and The Launch U Lab is an expert on leadership development and personal branding, and how the two work together to develop a next-level leadership mindset to create positive changes in workplace culture. A global Keynote Speaker, award-winning Author, Thought Leader, and Certified Leadership and Success Coach, Orrell offers fun, motivating educational programs via her businesses, which have received extensive media coverage in major national and local news outlets including, now, the San Francisco Bay Times!GGBA: Please tell us more about yourself and The Orrell Group.Lisa Orrell: For the past 15-years, I have been a Keynote Speaker and Author of four books. As such, I’m known as “The Chief of Change” and my main mission is to inspire, motivate, and educate employees to be better leaders to make the workplace a better place. I really love what I do for a living and have been fortunate to get booked by a lot of cool companies, like Pfizer, Pepsi, and Salesforce. And, off-stage, I’m a Certified Leadership & Success Coach who works with Professional Women.GGBA: Why did you decide to create your business? Lisa Orrell: I started a marketing agency in Silicon Valley (at the ripe old age of 26) where I remained CEO for 20 years. Then burn-out hit me. I realized my true passion was to be a speaker and write books, so I went for it. And that journey is also what inspired me to recently start a second business, The Launch U Lab. A lot of women feel career burn-out like I experienced and are seeking career options that provide more fulfillment and freedom. So, in addition to being a Keynote Speaker, I now also help women turn their purpose or passion into income, as a side hustle or new career, like I did.GGBA: Who are some of your role models, and especially those who helped to influence your business? Lisa Orrell: I have a ton of “well-known” ones, but my biggest is/was my Dad. My parents divorced when I was 12 and I chose to stay with Dad because I was much closer to him. And he always encouraged me to pursue my dreams, whereas my Mom put me down for being a “dreamer.” Entrepreneurship baffled her. In her mind, if you weren’t working for someone else, it wasn’t a “real job.” So, my Dad’s influence definitely gave me the confidence to be an entrepreneur. And it’s his positive influence that also molded me for my most important job: being a good parent to my awesome son.GGBA: Why did you decide to join the GGBA, and how long have you been a member? Lisa Orrell: I only recently joined and can’t wait to get really involved! It’s an amazing organization and I look forward to making new, likeminded friends. It’s so important to surround yourself with supportive people, and it’s even more important to support others along their journey. So, I’m really excited to be a new GGBA member.GGBA: What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own business? Lisa Orrell: One of my fave quotes, courtesy of Nike, is “Just Do It.” But make sure you have great mentors, a good business coach, and solid support professionals (i.e., bookkeeper, CPA & attorney). And having a supportive significant other makes a big difference. Luckily, my partner Kelly is cool with the rollercoaster ride of being with an entrepreneur. Plus, make sure you have the stomach to pivot fast! Like many other business owners affected by Covid, I got nailed. I had every speaking gig for 2020 cancelled within 48 hours in March of 2020. So, I had to adjust my offerings quickly. As a business owner, you have to be agile and adaptive.Lastly, if there’s one thing I would have changed along my self-employed journey, it would’ve been to join an org like GGBA early on. That would have been extremely helpful over the years, so I’m grateful to be a member now!The Orrell Group: Launch U Lab:


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