March Make Contact: Uplevel Your Online Screen Presence

Join us for this special zoom makeover event and for some networking with GGBA members!As more and more people work from home as result of COVID, Shelley created the ZOOM MAKEOVER to help companies, professionals and speakers transform and improve your on-line screen presence by increasing trustworthiness, improving engagement and elevating your personal brand.As an International Personal Branding Image Consultant for 20+ years, she created this timely and innovative 5 step ZOOM MAKEOVER process to improve your online screen presence for business, speaking or videos by aligning the all the visual aspects in the Zoom “box” to match your brand and your message. 

ZOOM MAKE-OVERS – Improve your online screen presence…  in real time 

  • Increase Trustworthiness… Elevate Your Brand… Increase Your Bottom Line
  • Improve your camera angle, lighting and background
  • Understand what colors work best and what colors to avoid
  • Learn Zoom specific make-up techniques



StartOut Founder Program Scholarships


VIDEO: GGBA Legislative Update