Member Spotlight: Island Acupuncture

Island acupuncture is a holistic, reproductive, and health-focused practice. Their mission is to provide excellent and expert care to all, while creating and holding a space where each patient feels respected, heard, and truly seen. They align their mission and values with dedication and consistency in all areas not only to provide stellar service, but also to enhance the lives and communities that they serve.Founder’s Personal Experience Inspired BusinessFounder Tracy Zollinger discovered Chinese medicine when she had a shoulder injury that left her barely functional and in tremendous pain. At the time, she was also on a variety of medications just to get through her days. Not only was pain limiting her mobility, but also the medical treatment provided to her was limiting her ability to conceive a child.A friend recommended acupuncture, and after her first treatment, Zollinger realized that this was the answer she had been seeking. She was hooked from her very first appointment. Through acupuncture and herbs, she was pain free, fully functional, and had newfound hope at conceiving. Giving birth was a life-changing experience that solidified her path.When her child was 14 months old, Zollinger started acupuncture school and loved every moment. In 2008, she received her acupuncture license and in 2011 opened her private practice focused on reproductive health. In school, she learned about reproductive health and saw firsthand how well it worked for most hormonally related issues. Traditional Chinese medicine has taken her passion for reproductive health and paired it with her deep need to help people to achieve their best lives, physically and emotionally. There has yet to be a single day in 12 years where Zollinger didn’t feel love and joy for the healing she shares through acupuncture and eastern medicine practices.A Proud GGBA Member“I discovered GGBA in a roundabout way,” Zollinger says. “While focusing on expanding my business into a multi-modality holistic reproductive health center, treating all populations with a specialty in our LGBTQ community, I was researching the best way to quickly convey this focus. I encountered the NGLCC’s LGBTQ business certification. That led me to GGBA, my local LGBTQ business association.”“I am now an LGBTQ certified business and proud member of the GGBA,” she adds. “As a new member, I am looking forward to participating fully and getting to know the members. As a person with a business in the East Bay, I am hoping to work with the GGBA and other East Bay members to facilitate more meetings in the East Bay as well.”Fertility Specialist Focused on LGBTQ NeedsIn her commitment to enhance reproductive health options, Zollinger is board certified in Oriental Reproductive Health (FABORM). In her quest to be a lifelong learner, she earned a certificate in transgender fertility. Zollinger is always learning and expanding her expertise in order to serve with comprehension and care.She explains, “This community has unique needs, which require respect, knowledge, and experience to effectively meet. Understanding, supporting and bringing ease to the hormonal process of those transitioning, trying to conceive, or experiencing any hormonal imbalance or shift is a passion and calling for me. This passion is embedded in the culture of Island Acupuncture.”The practice’s mission statement is really a personal mission statement and the way that Zollinger lives. As she says, “Being an advocate of every letter in our rainbow is so important. From little kids to elder communities, I speak to folks to help them learn and understand that which they may not know about our community.”Zollinger is a bisexual cis-female (she/her pronouns), fortunate to be married to an amazing wife of 22 years, mother to their 16-year-old child, and guardian to two cute little pups. She says, “My family fills my heart so that I can be present to dedicate my full self for my beloved patients.”For more information:


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