Power Lunch 2020 Is Right Around the Corner

GGBA Message from Leadership: Power Lunch 2020 Is Right Around the Corner!By Dr. Krystal Drwencke, DCThe Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA) has always attracted fiercely authentic people looking to make connections in new ways. And in 2015, the Power Lunch was created to celebrate LGBTQ owned businesses and to bring together all facets of the LGBTQ business community: our members, LGBTBEs (certified LGBT majority owned businesses), supplier diversity representatives, public utility representatives, and elected government officials.The Power Lunch quickly emerged as GGBA’s signature annual event, and has evolved to include an expo area and a specialized business pitch program, the Power Pitch. The expo provides member businesses with a platform to fully engage with clients, prospective clients, press, and attendees on how and why their services can be of unique benefit.The Power Pitch is a fast paced, interactive program where certified LGBTBEs present their company and services to a select panel of supplier diversity representatives from leading companies in various industries. Power Pitch participants have generated millions of dollars in new revenue and opened up new verticals for their businesses, and this year’s event is expected to build on that incredible success.New for Power Lunch 2020Much is new for 2020, including:

  •  member-centric programming that is more inspiring and directly actionable by members—highlighted by the Diversitypanel discussion during lunch;
  • more opportunities for organic and structured networking throughout the event;
  • expanded partnership and sponsorship opportunities;
  • a more intimate setting for this to take place: The W Hotel, located at 181 3rd Street, San Francisco.

Get Involved! Reserve Your Seat Now

We look forward to seeing you there!Dr. Krystal Drwencke, DC, has served on the board of directors for the GGBA for 4 years and as the Vice President for 2 years. She is the founder of two Sports Chiropractic Rehabilitation Clinics in San Francisco. She is drawn to the GGBA for business and personal connections, opportunities, and to advocate for social change in an ever-changing political climate.


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GGBA's Power Lunch 2020