Social Media RFP

Deadline: January 31st, 6:00 p.m. PSTIntroductionThe Golden Gate Business Association is the world’s first LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce. Our mission is to champion opportunity, education, and advocacy for our LGBTQ & Allied business community.Project OverviewThe purpose of this RFP is to select a company to implement and manage the GGBA’s social media presence to engage with our members and partners using the most prominent platform(s) preferred by our members and partners.  An additional purpose of this RFP is to utilize social media platforms in the most effective and efficient way to drive more potential members and partners to the GGBA website and to keep the community continuously informed of the GGBA’s involvement in and commitment to the success of LGBTQ businesses in the Bay Area.RFP Schedule

  • RFP responses back to GGBA: November 18th, 2019
  • Vendor demos/interviews: week of December 2nd, 2019
  • Vendor selection: December 9th, 2019 
  • Vendor start date: January 6th, 2020

Scope of WorkSocial Media ManagementOverview:The role of Social Media is to create and maintain two-way engagement with members and partners.  In addition, the Company selected for this SOW is expected to use all appropriate social media platforms to drive potential new members and new partners to the GGBA website and keep current members and partners engaged in promoting LGBTQ businesses.To ensure this is taking place, the Company selected for this SOW must provide evidence that members/partners/potentials are actually seeing our posts. We understand this may involve the implementation of a paid campaign to ensure our posts are being seen by as many people and groups as possible. It is the role of the selected Company to provide detailed suggestions for such a campaign, along with ongoing and post-campaign analysis to be sent to the Executive Committee on the 15th of each month.We want to be able to answer the question: “What is the preferred social media for the business of our members and partners?”Key Deliverables:1. Act as moderator on the GGBA boards that may be created and open to GGBA members.2. Engage in a social media campaign to accomplish the following through original posts:

  • Promote GGBA events, blogs, news, press, and original content
  • Celebrate achievements of GGBA members and partners
  • Celebrate advancements in supplier diversity, especially LGBT Business Enterprises
  • Celebrate advancements of sister chambers and the national LGBT chamber, the NGLCC
  • Share information relevant to the LGBTQ business community in San Francisco and nationally
  • Direct potential members to the GGBA website and for the purpose of signing up to be a member, or ask questions related to becoming a member
  • Direct potential partners to the GGBA website or for the purpose of becoming a partner or request a meeting to discuss the process.

3. All GGBA events are to be promoted on social media:

  • Make Contacts:
    • Overarching  - talking about ‘Make Contacts’ as a series and/or the schedule thru December 2020 – 3x monthly
    • Day after previous Make Contact has happened
    • Specific events: 
      • Once weekly in 4 weeks out, 3 weeks out, 2 weeks out
      • Twice one week out
      • PLUS Day of the event by 12:00 p.m.
  • Round Tables:
    • Once weekly in 4 weeks out, 3 weeks out, 2 weeks out
    • Twice in 1 one week out
    • PLUS Day of the event by 12:00 p.m.
  • High Performing Accelerator Program
  • 4x monthly. Specific Details to follow
    • Power Lunch
  • At least once weekly as soon as the event is listed on the website.
    • Events where GGBA are partnering and/or will be in attendance. 
    • Once weekly from when the event is on the website.
    • On the Monday of the event. If the event takes place on a Monday, then post on the Friday prior.
    • PLUS once the day prior to the event, by 2:00 p.m.

4. Post content on the following platforms, on the following schedules:LinkedIn

  • 1 post, Monday through Friday.


  • Between 1 -14 original tweets per day that are directly in line with the Project Overview above.
  • Between 1 - 4 retweets of original content as posted by our members and partners, with high priority on those of Top Level Partners (Chairperson, President levels)..


  • 1 original daily post, including all GGBA events..


  • 1 daily post +1 story/week (if content is available.

5. Social Advertising (designed to attract new members and new partners).Twitter

  • Follower ad that is optimized each month with new tweets and which runs continuously at $3 a day budget.


  • New member campaign that would run continuously at $5.00/day.


  • Weekly boosted post (ideally of events) for $20.00 weekly. We’ll make a trial and discover which platform does best.


  • Platform and media spend TBD according to GGBA needs.

6. Text Messages to Members and Partners.Initiate 2x monthly text messaging to all members and partners (with ability to opt-out).  These can be to invite to an event, or ask a simple question.7. ReportingWeekly and monthly reporting of the above scope will be required.Google Alerts to check

  • gayentrepren 
  • gay startups 
  • gay history 
  • gay San Francisco 
  • NGLCC 
  • LGBT Certification 
  • LGBT Small Business 
  • Small Business San Francisco 
  • Minority Certification 
  • Supplier Diversity 
  • Small Business Administration 

Partner Media Sites to check daily

  • San Francisco Business Times 
  • Silicon Valley Business Journal 
  • BayTimes 
  • Bay Area Reporter 
  • Small Business Administration 

COMMUNICATIONS - All newsletters should be available for viewing/download on the website. Submission of ProposalsPlease submit a PDF of your proposal to  All submissions are due on January 31st, by 6:00 p.m. PST, and must include the following:

  1. Letter of interest.
  2. Membership status in GGBA, other LGBT Chambers of Commerce, and/or other LGBT professional associations.
  3. LGBTBE Certification Status.
  4. Fee schedule, any/all discounts provided given our 501c6 non-profit status, and any amount of fee you are willing to donate to the GGBA as in-kind donation.
  5. Personal bio and/or profile of your firm with specific, relevant experience for the last five (5) years.
  6. Relevant URL’s to your company’s portfolio, and/or attachments that demonstrate your social media work and a track record of successful outreach.
  7. Three references of current/past clients who can address your company’s success in providing best-in-class social media posts, content and management that would be relevant to the SOW of this project.
  8. Provide answers to the following questions: 
    • Does your company have adequate staff on-hand to service this project in-house or, if not, do you expect to have to outsource any work?
    • If you expect to outsource, who are your key partners and what scope of work will they perform?
    • Describe any key strengths/unique experiences that have guided your philosophy.
    • Please outline your services pricing structure (i.e. number of hours, reports, etc.)

APPLY HERE: Questions concerning this request for proposals should be addressed to:


2019 GGBA Holiday Make Contact


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