Townsquared - A Free, Private Network for Small Businesses

We are excited to announce that the Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA) has teamed up with Townsquared, a private online network where GGBA members and partners can connect with each other.

We only have Make Contacts once a month but we want you to connect all the time! Townsquared lets our members engage with one another online. This is a new benefit we are excited to bring to our members.

Townsquared makes it easy for GGBA members to:

  • Share news about your business (e.g., we just opened a new location/landed a new contract).
  • Ask questions about managing your business (e.g., should I outsource my HR?).
  • Seek advice (e.g., how do I get into Whole Foods?).
  • Get recommendations (e.g., what’s the best local bank?).
  • Discuss any other issues on your mind that other members can help with.

The Townsquared network also gives you access beyond the GGBA community. You have the opportunity to connect with thousands of verified businesses in Townsquared’s San Francisco and Oakland business networks.

GGBA Board Director and VP of Communications, Anna Colibri, owner of LGBTBE certified local business Colibri Digital Marketing, is a big Townsquared fan. She finds it especially beneficial that the network is small and hyperlocal, making connecting with other business owners easy and personal — unlike larger networks like Facebook or even LinkedIn.

“Facebook and LinkedIn both have a place in everyone’s digital marketing mix, but Townsquared is a smaller, more personal platform that is focused directly on your geolocation (in this case, SF). Townsquared has worked hard to make their platform relevant, and to ensure a mix of both online and offline experiences. I have personally appeared on Townsquared panels, and learned a lot from workshops covering important topics like business finance and how to get business loans,” Anna explained.

Anna continued to speak more about her experience with Townsquared on making business connections, finding business resources and connecting with new clients. “I am thrilled the GGBA has a presence on Townsquared. This will allow us to share information and resources so our members can connect and build their businesses online, which further GGBA’s mission,” says Anna.

We are excited to introduce Townsquared to GGBA members and hope you will join us in further elevating the GGBA’s mission to support our business community. Together, we can ensure that everyone is aware of the incredible work of the GGBA and our members.

If you would like to join the Townsquared network you can sign up at  GGBA members can use the invite code GGBAONLINE to join. Once you are a member of Townsquared you can join the GGBA private group to connect with other GGBA Members. Just search for the Golden Gate Business Association group under Discover Groups on the left side navigation. Townsquared team members will also be present at Make Contact events where you can ask questions and learn more about how to make the most of Townsquared.

If you would like to become a part of the GGBA online network and are not yet a member of the GGBA, make sure to sign up for your membership today at

About Townsquared

Townsquared is the only private online network for verified local businesses designed to help them access the information they need to succeed. When businesses join Townsquared, they can find and connect with other local businesses, get advice and recommendations, join groups that matter to them, and attend and organize local events. To learn more, visit


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