Webinar: Shifting from Surviving to Thriving in 2021

No matter which direction the economy goes in 2021, it’s essential to develop a sustainable profitability path to ensure your business succeeds during these uncertain times. Many business owners are strained dealing with the Pandemic and Social unrest impacts on their businesses in 2020. As we look forward in 2021, it’s necessary to prepare for the uncertainty that accompanies this current economic and health crisis climate.This workshop leads attendees on a journey to instill strategies that will bolster sustainable growth as we enter a year of unknowns, and answer tough questions about sustainable profitability:

  • Can you continue to sustain growth at your current pace?

  • Is your company prepared to navigate a market downturn?

  • How strong are your foundations?

  • What strategies should you shift into the coming year

Who Should Watch this Webinar: Business owners and leaders interested in performing a Health Check on their organization’s sustainability foundation.Outcomes: Participants will leave with an initial 2021 plan and 1st Quarter goals to jump start them and their business in the new year.

If you weren’t able to join us, you can view the webinar here:


Event Video: Honoring Joan Kerr of PG&E


California Small Business COVID-19 Relief Grant Program