Working Solutions - helping JungleRed fulfill their dreams

JungleRed salon has been in the Castro for over seventeen years. New owner and Senior Stylist Lucas Ringhofer contacted Working Solutions to help expand his business after hearing great things from a friend and the San Francisco office of the Small Business Administration. “The Working Solutions loan and support were very helpful. They guided me through the process and were very responsive as I expanded my business,” said Ringhofer. With their help, he was able to expand the salon from two stylists plus himself to a full staff with four stylists, an apprentice, front desk help and part-time staff.JungleRed offers stylish sophistication and superior craftsmanship with every precision cut and personalized hair color. The name comes from the code word for gossip used in the 1930’s Joan Crawford cult classic movie “The Women.”Ringhofer hopes to further expand in the near future by adding a treatment boutique to the line of services his salon already provides. “This wouldn’t be possible without the loan and support from Working Solutions,” said Ringhofer, “I hope to be able to take advantage of their Business Essentials and other free classes to continue to better support my business.”“Working Solutions is committed to helping small, LGBT-owned business like JungleRed thrive,” said Laurie O’Hara, Director of Business Development at Working Solutions. “We hope to continue to support LGBT and other entrepreneurs as they fulfill their dreams of business ownership.”Please visit to learn more about their microloans and free business consulting. Looking for your next great haircut? Check out JungleRed at


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