Mainland LGBT chamber of commerce president has Guam ties Mainland LGBT chamber of commerce president has Guam ties

The new president of the nation's original lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender chamber of commerce is a Chamorro. John Paul Leddy now heads the San Francisco-based Golden Gate Bridge Association that was founded in 1974 to advocate for the gay business community.

Born and raised in Dededo, the son of the late Herbert Sablan Leddy and Joyce Martratt. Leddy also has roots in the Guam Chamber of Commerce, where his brother David and late sister-in-law Reina Leddy are former presidents. And he himself worked there as an assistant for a short while after graduating from JFK High School.

"As a son of Guam, I'm very proud because this is the first time in the 41-year history of this organization that someone, a Chamorro, one of the few minorities, that has held this position," he shared with KUAM News.  Leddy eventually moved to the mainland. The father of four and grandfather of three, came out later in life.




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