Naomi Evans-Jalloh stops by for 'Coffee with the Presidents'

Naomi Evans-Jalloh of The Oster Group, within Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, stopped by today to talk with Audry and me at 'Coffee'. As we talked about, Naomi asked an important question that's often on the minds of our members: how can I get more involved with the chamber?We love these conversations as they provide us with the opportunity to have real dialogue and give us the ability to point her (members) in a direction that will be satisfying to the member, and beneficial to the membership.  The primary question we ask is "what does engagement look like to you?'That's not often as easy to answer as you might expect. Here are three questions to ask yourself when considering getting more involved with the GGBA or any organization:

  1. How much time and energy would you like to invest?
  2. Would you prefer to be 'behind the scenes' helping with organizational and design needs, or more out-front, engaging with members and guests?
  3. What are your schedule restrictions?

With Naomi, Numerous ideas were discussed and she volunteered to help with our upcoming East Bay Make Contact, to be held in conjunction with Oakland Pride.We also talked about the burgeoning GGBA Ambassador program where she, and you, can get  involved with helping the chamber to put on a specific upcoming event - no long term committment needed! Ambassadors are needed to help find a location, a caterer, great arriving members onsite, or perhaps make phone calls to members, inviting them to attend. All are great ways to get to know other members.If this sounds as interesting to you as it did to Naomi, then look at the upcoming event calendar; find an event within the next year that aligns with your industry or interests, then email our Membership Chair, Dr. Krystal Drwencke, letting her know that you'd like be part of it.Thank you, Naomi, for stopping by. Audry and I were thrilled to see you.What will happen at next weeks 'Coffee with the Presidents'?  that’s up to you :-)Audry & Gina


Member Spotlight: Simon Isaac of Zero Above


GGBA 2019 Annual Member Meeting