Member Spotlight: Simon Isaac of Zero Above

The GGBA member spotlight for this issue is on Simon Isaac of Zero Above, a boutique creative marketing agency with offices in San Francisco and Colchester, U.K. He is the Managing Director and Owner of this innovative and successful international business.GGBA:  Please describe your business and its mission and values.Simon Isaac: Zero Above is a boutique marketing agency with a unique approach to design which has creativity and performance at its heart. Our formula is built on a clear goal of delivering results for our clients, combined with a flair for custom-made design. We believe we are offering something truly fresh and unique to the marketing landscape of San Francisco.Our mission is to work with our clients to create business changing results, whether creatively or financially. We are both the heart and the head of great marketing.GGBA: Why did you decide to create your business?Simon Isaac: Zero Above was launched as a carbon balanced business 10 years ago. At the time, governmental change and carbon tax systems were being introduced. We saw an opportunity then to add financial and environmental benefits to clients’ businesses to reduce their carbon footprint through using our design and marketing services.GGBA: Do you have any specific policies in place that benefit the LGBT community?Simon Isaac: We have a diversity and inclusivity policy to protect the team and our clients. Everyone who works at Zero Above, or who works with us, is treated with equal respect.GGBA: Do you have any specific policies in place regarding workplace equality?Simon Isaac: We also have an equality policy, equal pay policy and modern anti-slavery policy. I am also a strong advocate of personal development and every member of the team at Zero Above has the opportunity to progress beyond their own imagination.GGBA: How has the GGBA helped your business so far?Simon Isaac: Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to present at the annual Power Lunch and made some fantastic introductions. The GGBA has also made me feel that both I and Zero Above have a home and belong here in San Francisco, which is fantastic for a business opening a new office in a new city.GGBA: What has been your biggest reward and satisfaction during your journey as an entrepreneur?Simon Isaac: I always feel grateful for the people who join me on the journey and how we all work together with the same values and mission in life; that is to enjoy what we do, do great work and have some fun along the way. In my eyes, this is the route to a successful and profitable business.GGBA: What is the most important lesson you learned being an entrepreneur?Simon Isaac: Without doubt, to surround myself with amazing, talented people.GGBA: Is there anything else that you would like to share?Simon Isaac: Actually, I’m a great sharer and collaborator and full of good ideas. When you see me at a GGBA event or you want to chat about an idea or challenge, come and say hello or get in touch!For more information:


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