Kathleen Wong of Adobe stops by for 'Coffee with the President'

Today’s ‘Coffee’ was a wonderful conversation with Kathleen Wong, Program Manager Supplier Responsibility, with Adobe.Adobe is a new member of the GGBA, and comes to us thru a referral from one of our Chairperson level partners, Gap Inc. Kathleen is so excited to be take be building out the Supplier Diversity pipeline within Adobe, and for the depth of active support Adobe is giving her.We discussed the common internal challenges companies often face when building out a new pipeline, such as how to educate and internal department heads and open the channels of communication that would put diverse suppliers at the table with the leaders and decision makers of relevant divisions, rather than just talking to singular gate keeper who doesn’t have the insight, questions, or criteria to accurately evaluate a suppliers credentials or see the true value of the services they bring.Conversation then moved toward the types of services Adobe is most interested from diverse suppliers, Karen said the three primary areas of opportunity for diverse suppliers are: 1) Marketing 2) Corporate Services, and 3) IT/Tech. This was thrilling to hear as the GGBA has many highly qualified certified LGBT BE's that would be interested!Karen and I then spoke of the upcoming Power Lunch VI, and she was very excited at the possibility of being a panelist for one of the Biz Pitch tracks.Karen is someone you’re sure to see at upcoming GGBA events, so please welcome her to the GGBA and know that is so excited to be our champion within Adobe.More to come to be sure…Gina


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